President Doug Borko, NZ2W
Welcome to the Internet Home of the FMCA Amateur Radio Chapter. This chapter provides the perfect blend of activity for members of the RV Community who also participant in the world of Amateur Radio.
My experience with this Chapter is that its members hold a wealth of knowledge and experience with both Ham Radio and the intricacies of RV Life, and are willing to share their expertise.
Through its on air nets, on line nets and Rallies. the Chapter provides its members with opportunities to expand their knowledge bases, while opening the possibility for friendship and personal support.
If you are not yet a member, why not join with us in this endeavor! If you are already a member, join with us by actively sharing in the life of the Chapter.
Your Leadership Team stands ready to make participation in the Chapter a worthwhile expenditure of you time and talent.
Doug NZ2W
Vice President Dennis Dugan, WA0YPC
The FMCA-ARC is a great chapter to be a member of for those of us that have a passion for the Recreational Vehicle Lifestile and enjoy Amateur Radio. The chapter provides a way for our members to share their knowledge of RVing and Amateur Radio with other members.
As your Vice President, I am here to assist the President and serve as acting President of the FMCA-ARC when needed. I will support any of the activities that the chapter members choose to participate in.
I am looking forward to meeting up with everyone whether at a rally, campout, hamfest or on the road!
Treasurer Jana Bechtoldt, N9PBF
As your Treasurer, I will maintain detailed accounting of the Amateur Radio Chapter's funds, including documentation for expenditures and/or deposits to the General Treasury or Rally fund.
Secretary Karen Hamilton, WB5UFM
As secretary, my responsibilities are:
Keep accurate and updated records, submit all required reports to FMCA in a timely manner, attend and take minutes for all executive board meetings and general business meetings, and publish minutes in the Transmitter.
National Director George Raney, KG5LRB
The role of the National Director is to serve as a liason between the National Office of FMCA and the Chapter. The National Director of each Chapter, together, are members of the Governing Board. Under the FMCA Constitution, the Governing Board has the final say on governance. Governing Board meetings are held each year during the Summer International Convention.