WE4RV    FMCA Amateur Radio CHAPTER Call    WE4RV 

A Little About Our Chapter

We are the Amateur Radio Chapter (ARC) of the

Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA),

a 501(c)(7) non-charitable nonprofit corporation​.

This chapter enables our members to use their recreational vehicles and radio equipment to enjoy the fellowship of friends with common interests, i.e. RVing and Amateur Radio.  Our Amateur Radio activities enable us to keep in contact on a daily basis from around the nation be it from our house or our recreational vehicle. 

To Join or Sign-in

Request Additional Information About Our Chapter

Privacy Policy: FMCA Amateur Radio Chapter

Upcoming Rallys & Events

          October 7th - 10th, 2024
          December 7th, 2024
          December 13th - 14th, 2024
          January 19th - 25th, 2025
          February 7th - 9th, 2025
           February 14th - 15th, 2025
          March 12th - 15th, 2025
          March 17th - 20th, 2025
          May 16th - 18th, 2025

FMCA Amateur Radio Chapter Fall Rally 2024

This rally will be held at the Fredericksburg  RV Park in Fredericksburg, TX

Monday, October 7th thru
Thursday October 10th, 2024
The Rally CO-Hosts:
Bob (WB5MRG) & Lana Blackstock
Dave (WB4OHV) and Beth Rathke

Click for Rally Info Page

Click to View the Registration Form

Click to View the Announcement for the Rally

For those interested, you can attend the Belton HamEXPO pritor to attending the rally.  This will be October 4th thru 6th, 2024.  Click on the link "View the Announcement for the Rally" above for additional information on both events.

FMCA Amateur Radio Chapter Spring Rally 2025

This Rally will be held at the Twin Oaks RV Park in Elko, Georgia

Monday, March 17th thru
Thursday March 20th, 2025
The Rally CO-Hosts:
Doug (NZ2W) & Sharon Borko
Dennis (WA0YPC) & Janet Dugan

Rally Info Page

Registration Form

Stay tuned for more info on the fun activities and meals planned for the rally!

Date Page Updated 10/9/24, 3:10 AM

2024 QTR 2 Transmitter Available

Members: go to the website page 
to get it!

2024 QTR 3 Articles Due by

October 15th

Articles to be included in the next Transmitter need to be submitted to our editor, Lana.

(Thanks Lana for your great work)

Please volunteer your articles so that the Transmitter represents your involvement in the

FMCA Amateur Radio Chapter

FMCA's 110th International Convention & RV EXPO 2025

Wednesday, March 12th thru Saturday, March 15th

Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter
Perry, Georgia

For more information go to:

FMCA's 110th International Convention Website

HamCation 2025

Friday, February 7th thru Sunday, February 9th

We normally get there on Wednesday (5th) and camp for four nights.  Please try and join us! It is always a lot of fun.

For more information go to:

HamCation 2025 Website

HamCation Attendees

2025 Arrival and Parking Map

Member's Home and Mobile Locations with Open Street Maps

Members: Sign In and go to Member->Location Gmaps to change your position on the Map above or run an APRS app.
A Red Icon means that the plotted position is located at the member's Home QTH as recorded in the membership database.
A Green Icon means that the plotted position is away from the Home QTH with a duration value greater than zero days.
A Yellow Icon means that the plotted position is about to be replotted back to the Home QTH due to lack of position updates.
A Blue Icon means that the Zip Code could not be found in the Database and is plotted in the Gulf of Mexico to indicate attention needed. 
A Black Icon is plotted to indicate the Geographical Center of the US and is the crossing point for the NW, SW, SE, & NE area lines. 
A White Icon represents the Centroid of all Member's plotted positions in five major regions include US, NW, SW, SE, & NE.

 About Concrete5 CMS

This is a Concrete5 Content Management System (CMS) website that we are using for our website maintenance and membership management .  This system will help with individual member contributions to website content along with the Membership Manager functions of membership database management, roster listings, and member emailing.

Individual members can be given permission to edit certain areas of the website directly.  This can help with maintaining content of the website for areas such as rallies, net schedules, hamfests, member projects, and/or good will functions.  As a member, if you would like to contribute content to the website, please contact the Webmaster.

Each member (or the Membership Manager) will be able to check their own status and update their data to keep the membership database current.  Members will also be able to get the current roster of all members as the database is updated.  Only the Membership Manager will be able to update the 'Dues Paid Through' time and the 'Transmitter Mailing' qualification since the Membership Manager is the one that receives the money for those functions.  Please contact the Membership Manager via email or telephone if you need help updating your account data.

Notes from Web Master

Change Log:

2023-10-08: Update from ConcreteCMS-9.1.3 to Concrete-CMS-9.2.1. 
2023-09-25: Update from PHP 7.4  to PHP 8.2. 
2023-01-18: Update from concrete5-8.5.7 to Concrete-CMS 9.1.3. 
2021-12-23:  Update the debian operating system to Bullseye (Debian 11) and the concrete5 version to concrete5-8.5.7. 
2020-12-06:  Add ARCApplication.pdf file as an attachment to the Dues Expiring emails for December and January.
2020-11-28:  Add Open Street Maps to replace Google Maps (Google is charging for use of Maps now)
2019-12-07:  Move the website to a Virtual Private Server (1&1 INONO) and upgrade to concrete5 8.5.2. 
2019-05-30:  Added a download link for member's APRS position log (track) on 'Post Location' page. 
2019-04-05:  Allow only Chapter Officers to generate the membership mail list.
2019-03-17:  Added Rocks Painting page to projects.
2018-04-02:  Start Major Upgrade to Concrete5 from to 8.4.0 and PHP 7.1.17; Some old functions dropped and new ones added.
2017-04-24:  Added downloadable Roster for NetLog program.
2015-03-16:  Added new sort routines for Roster plus added Call-Name Roster for Net Control Stations.
2015-02-09:  Upgraded Concrete5 from to
2014-09-27:  Changed PHP version from 5.2 to 5.5.
2014-03-24:  Added new Chapter Officers elected at Spring Rally, Perry GA.
2013-12-31:  Modified Member Data Entry form to be similar to hard copy Application form.
2013-12-28:  Added Conditional Member Status Category.
2013-11-25:  Added an automated eMail notification for Chapter Dues (due and/or expiring).
2013-11-20:  Added an automated eMail notification for QTH Map data expiring.
2013-10-31:  Added a time control element to the QTH Map. The member enters the time duration for their Location.
2013-05-11:  Added Page to allow Members to Update their GPS data more easily, go to Member->Member Location.
2013-05-07:  Upgraded Concrete5 CMS Version from to
2012-08-23:  Home (red) & Mobile (green) Icons now displayed in the Google Map and Google Earth Views.
2012-08-23:  Member Lat/Lon Position parameter added to database for mobile QTH tracking.
2012-08-22:  Member Join Date added to database.
2012-08-21:  Added Signed-in Member Bearing & Distance to Viewed Member within View Account.
2012-08-16:  Added Market Place Page for Members to post items for Sale or items Wanted.
2012-08-07:  Sign In Page moved to a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) page to protect usernames and passwords.
2012-07-28:  New Site went off Beta Trial to Live Site.
2012-07-21:  New Concrete5 CMS and User Management System (UMS) Website (beta trial).